Club Information
Welcome to Arlington North West Rotary!
Arlington North West

The Friendliest Club in Town

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Shady Valley Country Club
4001 W Park Row Dr
Arlington, TX 76013
United States of America
Home Page Stories
Join Arlington North West Rotary
for our next meeting
Tuesday February 11th, 2025
at Noon at Shady Valley Country Club
Our speakers this week are:

LouAnn O'Donnell
Shakespeare LIVE!
2025 Arlington North Rotary Flag Program Sign-Up
The Flag Season Runs Memorial Day to Veterans Day.
Early Bird Pricing - $50.00 if paid by April 30th, 2025 afterward the price is $55.00
Orders Received after May 26th 2025 will start for
Flag Day 2025 and run until Memorial Day 2026. 
Please help support the Arlington North Rotary Flag Program for 2023.  We have been providing this service for over 25 years in the local community. 
We service most areas in Zip Codes 76005, 76006, 76011, 76012 and select portions of 76013.   
Our flag program covers Memorial Day, Flag Day (June 14th), Independence Day, 9/11, Columbus Day and Veterans Day.   Cost is $55 for the year and can be paid online on the link below by debit card or Mastercard/Visa or by mailing a check to us at PO BOX 201606, Arlington, TX 76006 with your name, phone #, email address and address to have the flag installed at.  
You may also want to consider having upto 3 additional flags, especially if you live on a large or corner lot.   It's your choice.  Look in the "add on" section to add another flag.
New this year is an option to sponsor a flag at one of the local North Arlington Fire Stations or the Main Police Station.  Cost is $50.00
To pay online click the link below
We look forward to having you as a new subscriber or as a returning subscriber.
We will place a beautiful 3' x 5' flag on a 10' pole in front of your home for the following holidays:  Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, September 11, Columbus Day and Veteran's Day.  Flags are placed the day BEFORE the holiday (Saturday if the holiday is on a Monday).  Flags go out on July 2nd for the Independence Day Holiday) and are picked up on the next day AFTER the holiday.  This gives you at least 2 days to enjoy the flag(s).
If you have questions or concerns, Mike Becknal, Flag Program Chair at 817-727-5062.
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
The Rotary Foundation
Club Service - Program Chair
Immediate Past President
Community Service
International Service
Vocational & Education Services
Family of Rotary
Fundraising Co- Chair
Fundraising Co-Chair