Club Service
Having Interesting programs is one of the important ways to keep our members involved.
Our programs can range from having a non profit organization come in and talk about what they do, to a local author who has written a book about local history, to a city department coming in and talking about what is going on in the community, to a talk about what Rotary is focusing on.
As Rotarians, we want to know what is going on in our community and about various issues. Rotary takes no position on Politics, Religion, etc., and does not endorse or recommend in those areas. As an example, an elected official can come in and talk about what is happening in the city, county, etc., but not solicit votes or recommendation.
Our programs get scheduled out 4 weeks and more. The speaker is typically given 20-25 minutes to talk about their subject.
The position for Club Service is held by Greg Miller, a charter member of Arlington North Rotary. In Arlington North Rotary, our Club Service chair mainly schedules our speakers.
Interested in being a speaker at our club? Contact Greg by clicking the button below: