
Jonathan B. Majiyagbe, President, Rotary International, 2003-04 from Kano, Nigeria, chose the theme of Lend a Hand as a simple theme, but one that captures the essence of Rotary.

Rotarians, routinely Lend a Hand
to their communities and to the world. They  Lend a Hand to our fellow Rotarians, those who are members of our club and those abroad who need help in tackling problems in their community.

The International Convention was held in June 2004 in Osaka Japan. Members Chuck Chambers and Barbara Lucas attended the annual convention.

District Governor was Chuck Kurtzman.

Past President Barbara Carter was in her 2nd of a 3 year term as Assistant Governor over the 7 Arlington Clubs.

The District Conference was jointly held with the District to our East at the Gaylord Convention Center in April 2004.

Club President was John Miller.

Member Chuck Chambers received his first Paul Harris Fellow at the annual changeover banquet in June 2004.

Rotarian of the Year was...