2007-2008 Theme

The 2007-2008 Theme Rotary Shares acts as a daily reminder of what ordinary people can accomplish through the extrodinary work of Rotary. "Almost everything Rotary does involves sharing. We share our time, we share our talents, and we share our money with others who need our help", RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson told the International Assembly in January 2007.

Furthermore, he said, "In Rotary, sharing doesn't mean giving away what you have to spare, what you don't need for yourself. Sharing means giving of yourself, selflessly, for the good of others."
The Annual Rotary Convention was held in Los Angeles, California.

Our District Governor that year was Dave Mason from Abilene.
That year, DG Mason started a "Rotary Builder" award to recognize a member at each club for his service to the club. Chuck Chambers was the first Rotary Builder for our club that year.
Marc Stach was our Club President for 2007-2008.
Suzanne Kelley was honored as Rotarian of the Year.
Member Doreen Bruner received her first Paul Harris Fellow. Member Marc Stach received two Paul Harris Fellows.