2008-2009 Theme
Rotary International President Dong Kurn Lee of South Korea created the theme of "Make Dreams Real" to help curb child mortality. 30,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, measles, and malaria. "Children are killed by illnesses that become deadly in combination with poor sanitation and malnutrition," Lee said at the International Assembly in January 2008 in San Diego.
The Rotary International Convention was held in Birmingham, England in June 2009. Members Dick McCree and Don Pittman attended the Rotary Convention along with their wives (Dorothy McCree and Ann Pittman).
The District Governor of our district this year was Jerr Parr, from the Rotary Club of Gainesville. A Rotarian since 1976, Jerry helped start two Rotary Clubs in our District. He has perfect attendance since 1976.
The District Conference was held at the Southlake Hilton.
The President of Arlington North Rotary was Jim Bass.
Adnan Bahar and Pat Conner recieved their first Paul Harris Fellow.
Doreen Bruner was Rotarian of the Year.